Advanced Call Center
Help on Main Window Help on Inbox Help on Dialer Help on Address Book
Main Window Inbox Dialer Address Book
User Interface

You control the program with the main window or the tray icon pop-up menu.  The Icon in the system tray reflects the current mode (such as 'monitoring', 'talking' or 'paused').

Main Window

This is the program's main dialog hosing the most frequently used functions, such as 'Answer incoming call', 'Hold the line', Hang up', 'Play/Record message'. Those features can be accessed in one click.

Main window satellites: message folders

There are several 'boxes', like 'Inbox', 'Originated Calls' and 'Deleted Items' in the program.  New voice messages and logged calls are placed in the 'Inbox'.  You can read more about incoming messages in the Answering machine section.

Originated calls are stored in the 'Originated Calls' box, and deleted messages are placed in the 'Deleted Items'.

Pop-up menu

Pop-up menu is accessed by right-clicking ACC status icon in your system tray.  The menu lists all actions in a structured hierarchy.  It allows switching modes (a feature for incoming calls) from 'Available/Connect' up to 'Do Not Disturb'.  There is also 'Off-line/Paused' mode in which the program releases modem port and does not affect incoming calls' handling.

Status Icon

Tray Icon displays information about the current action.  It may change from 'Off-line/Paused' status up to 'Talking' or 'Playing Voice Message' status.

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© 1998 - 2001 Oleg Afonin.